20 Hilarious Pics Of Dogs Who Managed To Fall Asleep In Funny Awkward Positions

Anywhere, anytime, these dogs can fall fast asleep—even in the most bizarre positions you could ever imagine.

Below, we’ve gathered some of the funniest sleeping poses. Scroll down to check them out!

1.Yoga Master

I wonder if sleep just suddenly took over this dog? Or maybe it’s a dog statue that got knocked over. Or perhaps this dog is a yoga master!

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2.He was tired of Dad scrolling through Tinder

I don’t care what Dad is doing—I just need my nap. His glasses actually help me sleep better… it’s perfect!

He was tired of Dad scrolling through Tinder

3.Nap Time

Just a deep sleep is all you need. It’s good for everyone!

Nap Time

4.Drumsticks with a twist. 

Drumsticks with a twist. 🍗

5.Dog kit misassembled. Please read directions before attempting reassembly

Dog kit misassembled. Please read directions before attempting reassembly

6.Come on people couches are made for napping.

Come on people couches are made for napping

7.Oh yeeeah…the real downward dog

Oh yeeeah.the real downward dog

8.This Frenchie Puppy Sleeps Anywhere

tu the ngu ba dao cua cun cung 12

9. I Think My Dog Is Broken

i dont care

10.She Sleeps Like This. It Just Ain’t Right


11.I’m So Tired

A true lady

12.Caught my dog sleeping upside down, last night at 3.26 am

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13. Funny things my senior dog does… sleeps in the doorway

My 15.5 year old Pom has a bed in our room with access to potty pads at night. This weekend I woke to see she chose to sleep in the door way. She’s too funny sometimes. She always picks the most awkward ways to sleep.

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14.Does your dog sleep in a weird position?

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15. It’s a Mastador thing .lol

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16.Funny frog legs. Does your dog sleep like this?

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17.They can sleep anywhere …lol

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18. He has found the perfect resting spot to prop up his head.

He has found the perfect resting spot to prop up his head

I bet you wouldn’t be too surprised to find dogs relaxing in the bathroom. On hot days, they might just enjoy the coolness—it’s the perfect spot for a deep sleep. But it’s rare to see a dog sleeping in such a quirky position, isn’t it?

19.This Dog Is Sleeping Happily

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This adorable, chubby Shih Tzu puppy went viral for her habit of sleeping on her back in all sorts of random spots, showing off her cute belly.

20.Is that a giraffe?

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They don’t care what they look like when they sleep, as long as they’re comfortable. Share a picture of your dog’s sleeping pose with us!

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